Old Guard of the Gate City Guard’s Robert E. Lee Birthday Celebration and our Change of Command Ceremony
January 14, 2017 at the East Lake Golf Club
Our Guest Speaker was Maj Gen James E. Livingston, USMC (Ret), Medal of Honor Recipient.
Marksmanship Awards presented by LTC R A Barr
- RD Endicott Trophy for Ladies of The Old Guard who compete in the Pistol and Rifle Matches:
- Doris Green – HIghest score
- Pat Gotsch – competitor
- Elmer L Stanley Pistol Trophy for Ladies of the Old Guard who compete in the Pistol and Rifle matches:
- Doris Green – Highest score
- Pat Gotsch – competitor
Champion shooter for 2016 year
- T Guy Woolford Championship Medal for highest aggregate score in all championship matches
- Ren Brennan
- Coley J Lewis Medal for mastery in rapid fire
- John Dietrichs
- Dewitt King Cup Course for highest score in slow fire
- Ren Brennan
- J E Oxford Pistol Trophy for highest aggregate score in three courses of slow and rapid pistol fire.
- Ren Brennan
Awards of The Old Guard/2016
Eli White Award
MG (Ret) James Livingston, (Made an Honorary Citizen of Atlanta, GA) Citation to be added
Presented to the incoming President of The Ladies of the Old Guard Mrs. Marie Glover
The Old Guard Distinguished Service Award
Awarded annually for outstanding
Service and accomplishment to MAJ Ross Glover
The Battalion
The Hancock Medal
Awarded annually for unselfish service COL. John Ottley
to the Old Guard
The Wilkes Trophy
Awarded for the purpose of promoting regular attendance of the members to COL John E Green
all functions of the command
The Old Guard Staff Award
Awarded for volunteer service
most beneficial to the Command LTC David Floyd
The Charles Gavan Trophy
Awarded to the member who has MAJ Sam Alston
excelled in promoting the Historical
Research program of the Command
The Guardsman of the Year Award
Awarded to the member who has demonstrated MAJ Otis Farmer
outstanding loyalty and devotion to the Command
The Commandant’s Guardsman Of the year Award
Awarded to the Past Commandant who has been active
and instrumental in assisting the Commandant in
fulfilling the duties of his office COL Den Coleman
The Eubanks Loyalty Medal
For outstanding loyalty to the Command COL Robert Leathers
The Hugh H. Howell Jr. Trophy
Awarded to the member who is responsible for COL John Green
induction of the largest number of new members
Pvt David W. Brown Award
Awarded to the new member who, after his first
full year of membership is deemed to have served MAJ Steve Marlowe
the Command the most faithfully (Not eligible during year of induction)
The Dr. George Turnbull Pursley Award
Awarded to the Member of the Old Guard who best
commemorates and preserves the virtues of the LTC Jim Johnson (posthumously)