Saturday December 19th, 2020 the Old Guard of the Gate City Guard attended the Wreaths Across America ceremony held at the Marietta City Cemetery Confederate Section. There were 10 of us Old Guardsmen in attendance this year, Gen McCullough, Col Farmer, Col Milam, Col Taylor, Col Powers, Col Corsetti, , LTC Howley, LTC Alston, LTC RA Barr and Maj Brown.
Annual wreath exchange occurred between the United Daughters of the Confederacy (Kennesaw Chapter 241) and the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
We were not there to decorate graves, nor moron their deaths, but to remember their lives. Each wreath is a gift of appreciation from a grateful America. The live balsam fir wreaths symbolize our honor to those who have served and are serving in the Armed Forces of our great nation and to the families who endure sacrifices every day on our behalf.
Thank you to all our Veterans!
Major Marvin Brown, Secretary