On December 2nd, 2020 we held our annual business meeting at the Elk’s Lodge; were we had 19 members in attendance. This evening we welcomed the nomination of our 2021 Commandant, Martin Howley and Commandant elect, Marvin Brown. The proceedings also included a reading on the Old Guard History from Col Dietrichs.
The Old Guard welcomed it’s 4 newest members, Terrence Brand, Karen Corsetti and Alan Brown, Louis Maloof (from L to R). All four were properly inducted and welcomed by the attending Command members. We are very excited to have them aboard.
The evening wrapped up with a small reception and fellowship afterwards.
Planning is underway for the RE Lee Birthday and Change of Command Banquet, details to be announced. Continue to watch for further announcements on our trip to lay the wreath at the A. H. Stephens memorial.
Maj. Brown, Old Guard Secretary